AztecSmurf Answers the YabYum Seven


Photos courtesy of AztecSmurf

1. Who are you and what do you do?

My name is AztecSmurf, I am an artist/ muralist/ creator. I work primarily with acrylics, and my work consists of a variety of styles derived from Aztec culture, surrealism, and the study of artists like Marcel Duchamp, Dali, Diego Rivera, and da Vinci to name a few. I create murals, and large scale canvas pieces.

2. How did you get your start?

Drawing and painting has been something I’ve done as a child in Mexico where I grew up. After moving here in 1990 I got involved in art programs and became aware of the art culture here in Phoenix and began to get involved soon after. I can’t recall a specific moment where I would say I got a start. Its been a gradual learning experience and I’m fortunate enough right now to have a few loyal clients and friends that support my art, and I’m grateful just for having anyone appreciate my work.

aztecSmurf 013. What inspires you?

There are many things that inspire me, from music to daily interaction with family and peers. Also things I read and of course the crazy images that technology makes possible for me to view. Nature also plays a big role. I really admire the natural patterns that nature creates, and how you can find many color schemes in natural occurrences.

4. What do you like about AZ?

I love everything about this desert. The sunsets, the Saguaros and the many cacti you can find giving off the most amazing flowers. I am a fan of the heat, and just being able to to have so much open land within minutes of the city.

aztecSmurf 025. Where can we see you(r) work?

I show in a few paces around the valley. I am a resident artist at ALAC (Arizona Latino Arts and Cultural center) in downtown Phoenix, and I display my work there often. I recently had some work displayed at The Herberger Theater. Also a few murals around town , and in some schools.

6. What would you like to accomplish before you die?

Before I die I would like to just know I’ve given my full dedication, hard work, and honesty to the things that matter in my life. To know I have lived creating art, and being part of a great loving family and enjoy the wonderful things that it brings. That would give me a great sense of accomplishment.

7. What is your mantra?

Besides believing in Karma and being honest, there is one thing I always keep in mind and it applies to so many things not just art. It’s something my old art teacher would say to me all the time, “You can’t put ten pounds of sugar in a five pound bag.” For some reason that just stuck in my head, and to this day I apply it to my work, when creating a composition.


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