YabYum Seven: Andrew Pielage

Andrew Pielage1. Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Andrew Pielage and I am a freelance architectural and race photographer based out of Phoenix, Arizona.

2. How did you get your start?

I was camping before I could walk and always had a camera with me growing up in the backcountry of Arizona. My first camera was a Kodak disposable. Those beautiful landscapes really made me appreciate this amazing Earth from a very young age and continues today. Now I get to share that same wide-eyed wonder with other people through my photography.

3. What inspires you? 

My inspiration comes in many forms and is all around me in the things I see, people I talk to, how I feel and most importantly…caffeine.pielage 1

4. What do you like about AZ?

One of my favorite things about Arizona is it landscape diversity. I can be in an alpine meadow filled with Aspen trees and two hours south be in the hottest desert in North America. Lets not forget that big hole in the ground, the Grand Canyon either. From the red monumental deserts up north, there are endless landscapes to photograph here. It’s a photographers dream.

5. Where can we see you(r) work?

I keep my website current here. You can also follow me on instagram here.

6. What would you like to accomplish before you die?

My bucket list is overflowing but near the top is to photograph Frank Lloyd Wrights Fallingwater and hike all the trails in the Grand Canyon.

7. What is your mantra?

“If you’re not growing you’re dying.” It’s a spin-off of the classic quote but it rings true to my life. You should continue and always be growing or getting better at being you. Whether that is learning, taking time to see other cultures and places or being kind to a stranger, making myself a better human being is something I try to do daily.

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