YabYum Seven: Denise Fleisch

Denise 11. Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Denise Fleisch I am an abstract artist from Phoenix, AZ.

2. How did you get your start?

I started painting with oils when I lived in Cleveland. I started showing my work in January 2002 at the Paper Heart Gallery on Grand Ave in downtown Phoenix.

3. What inspires you?

People, color, other artists, a song, an emotion, Love, kindness, happiness, traveling, the desert, the sunsets in the desert, my kids, my past, my future all these things inspire me.

4. What do you like about AZ?

I love AZ. Anyone who knows me knows that Arizona is my home. I will be here for the rest of my life. AZ gives me strength. I am a true Arizona girl.Denise 5

5. Where can we see you(r) work?

My art can be seen at Lotus Contemporary Art. I also show in other venues around phoenix.

6. What would you like to accomplish before you die?

That is a mighty big question. I need more time.

7. What is your mantra?

Be strong, be brave, be kind. You only have one chance in this world, you might as well have fun while your here. You may never get another chance.


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