YabYum Seven: Jeanna Delfin

1. Who are you and what do you do?

Jeanna Delfin 01

Photo by Dave Trombetti

My name is Jeanna Delfin, an entrepreneur, figure sketch artist and portrait artist based in Phoenix, Arizona.

2. How did you get your start?

Originally from Southern California, I grew up surrounded by the arts, movies, and music.

I had a knack for drawing since childhood and developed a keen interest in the human figure in high school. With the intention to pursue a job in animation, I entered the Entertainment Arts degree program at Cal State University Fullerton in the late 90s and took several life-drawing courses.

After graduation, I took on non-art related jobs, continued to self-educate, and sold commissioned portraits. I took a hiatus from art, where I focused on personal investments. In 2010, I returned to my real passion: drawing the human figure.

In 2012, I almost lost my brother due to a medical illness. Six months later, I was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer. Radiation and surgical removal of the tumor followed.

After a visit to a second oncologist for treatment options, I decided to quit my daytime job at the museum and became a full-time artist in late 2013. Since then, I’ve focused on building my internet presence.

jeanna_delfin michelangelo david sketch_00023. What inspires you?

In general, my artistic inspiration stems from classic films, music, theatre, animation (e.g. Pixar, Disney), performing arts, action movies (e.g. Harry Potter, Star Wars), computer generated imagery and visual effects.

However, my work is greatly influenced by the paintings and drawings of the Old Masters, (e.g. Michelangelo, Da Vinci), and centuries-old Italian and French works.

4. What do you like about AZ?

I enjoy the desert landscape, the ease of traffic, and the growing art community in the Valley. I have met wholesome, friendly, inspiring, and remarkable people here.

5. Where can we see you(r) work?

Visit my new website here or follow me on social media for show announcements and to view works in progress. (An online store will soon follow.) I also blog about my drawing process here.

6. What would you like to accomplish before you die?

Before I die, I would like my story, art, and my message to reach millions of people.

7. What is your mantra?

Live with Quality, Passion, and Refinement. If you have a big dream, run after it, and don’t ever look back.

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