YabYum Seven: Breanna Rose Skoon

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All photos courtesy of Breanna Rose Skoon

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Breanna “Breazy” Rose Skoon. I am a Local Phoenix Fashion Designer (Clothing and Jewelry).

How did you get your start?

I attended FIDM for Fashion Design after High School, but my love of design came at an early age. At 7 I would cut up my grandmother’s sheets, trace the outlines of my body, draw and cut out a gown and staple the sheets together.

What inspires you?

Many things inspire me…the strong women in my family for one, as well as street style, art, and my own visions for fashion. I lived in San Diego for a while and there I gathered a punk rock flair for style, which has influenced my “Elevated Edge” design aesthetic.

What do you like about AZ?

I “Love” AZ, not just “like”. I am a proud Phoenician who’s family came here to homestead just when AZ was becoming a state. So to say in short, I guess I like everything, but my favorite is our sunsets…we are the “Valley of the Sun” after all.

Breanna Rose Skoon 04Where can we see you(r) work?

My work sells in multiple boutiques in and out of the state as well as in my Studio (by apt. only). You can catch my live runway shows by following my social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram), and you can shop our Spring/Summer 2016 Line “Maxed Out” as well as jewelry on our website.

What would you like to accomplish before you die?

My list of goals is pretty long..wow, before I die? I guess it is all about giving back. I work with many non-profits and if I can change just one life or give happiness to others through my fashion, than I would be proud that my passion and profession both helped make the world a better place…even if only on a small level.

What is your mantra?

Do the work!!! I believe hard work pays off plus fashion never sleeps.



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