YabYum Seven: Adam Dumper

unnamed (5)Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Adam Dumper aka Dumperfoo, Uncle Dumps, or DumpLaRock. I’m a promoter, artist, and graphic designer. I run several events in town with my partners, The Blunt Club a HipHop/DJ Night, about to celebrate 14 Years in Valley as well as Motown On Mondays in Phoenix every Monday at Crescent Ballroom; WuTang Wednesdays, a monthly event at Crescent Ballroom; New Grand Fridays a weekly hiphop/art event at Thirdspace on Grand Ave. I’m also a live painter in the bands Drunken Immortals, The Insects and Catharsis.

How did you get your start?

I started out breakdancing in highschool and doing grafitti, moved into bar tending a huge club in the 90’s, and eventually into murals, live art, booking shows, and doing flyers. I’ve been doing this for a lil’ over 20 years now.

What inspires you?

Music, my friends, my girlfriend… Sometimes, to get inspired, I like to look at art and get in the mood to paint. That always helps!

What do you like about AZ?

The people and, believe it or not, I like the weather! I’ll take a few months of amazing weather and battle the summer heat by chillin’ indoors during the day…

Where can we see you(r) work?

Currently I’m painting at Blunt Club Monthly at Valley Bar. My Instagram is always current with my latest art and shows.

What would you like to accomplish before you die?

I’ve had a fulfilled life so I’m pretty content, but I would like to do some overseas traveling… which is on the radar at the moment!!!

What is your mantra?

Make peace with the past, so it wont screw up the present!!

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Dumps and Snoop Dogg in 2008. Adam Dumper painted at his house on the TV Show Man Caves Season 2 and the painting still hangs in Snoop’s Man Cave (see here).

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