YabYum Seven: Nicole Olson

olson4Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Nicole L Olson. I am an artist; dance is my genre. My medium is the human body. I use it to choreograph and perform; tell stories. Influence moods. Create images.

How did you get your start?

I’m originally from Wisconsin. I always knew I would be a dancer; never wanted to be anything else. First studied at Milwaukee Ballet School, and then received my BFA from the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. My whole life I have used movement to create the fantasies that I see in my head. Dance makes me feel alive. It’s the best high there is.

What inspires you?

People inspire me. Their stories, plights, loves, traumas; even their normal day-to-day is inspirational to me. If you watch people, their body language, their souls, you are reading a thousand books. For me, words are not necessary to express what people feel. We innately speak without uttering a word. Everyone can notice it, if they take the moments to see.

What do you like about AZ?

I would say my “family of choice” is what I like the most. olson3I am surrounded by the most loving, creative, exciting people! They laugh with me, cry with me, hold my hand, stand next to me. My life is made so full by these outstanding people.

Where can we see you(r) work?

I am Associate Director/Principal Dancer with Scorpius Dance Theatre, and have performed with them for 16 seasons. I am also a Guest Artist with Center Dance Ensemble, along with performing for Liliana Gomez.

Independently, I have created choreography for Phoenix Theatre, Stray Cat Theatre, Phoenix Opera, and have performed my work as a soloist here in Phoenix and in many different cities throughout the country.

My next project – coproducing a site specific work with Elisa Marie Cavallero and Liliana Gomez at {9} The Gallery entitled Gods and Monsters, which will premiere in June [more info here].

What would you like to accomplish before you die?

I would love to see as much of the world as possible; to witness the cultures, the environment, the energy of the amazing people who inhabit our planet. Learn from them, experience their worlds. And if I get to do some more art along the way, all the better.

What is your mantra?

I have two… – “Wear your heart on your skin in this life,” and “Kiss a lover, dance a measure, find your name and buried treasure.”