YabYum Seven: Emmett Potter

unnamed (2)Who are you and what do you do?

Emmett Potter and I am an artist.

How did you get your start?

I started in photography in the late 80’s and transitioned into graphic design by the 90’s. By 2006, I was really wanting to get back into creating artwork, but had no idea what direction to take. In 2008, I quit my day job and rented a studio at the now defunct Kollective in downtown Phoenix. The building is now occupied by FilmBar. That is where I met my wife, the artist, Kristin Bauer. We then became studio-mates in a little house on Portland Street with a friend of ours and then transitioned to a space in Scottsdale by 2010 that became our studio and also served as the home of Squeeze Gallery. That was where I really started putting up my work and selling as an artist.

What inspires you?

[A] good artist, my wife and kids, Carl Jung, pop culture, consumerism and life in general.

What do you like about AZ?unnamed

I like what AZ is becoming culturally, the desert landscape, and the good quality of life that is affordable in the Valley verses other metropolises.

Where can we see your work?

Currently, I was just in a two person show at Carlos Queso in Los Angeles and I will have a piece at the I.D.E.A. Museum in Mesa this summer.

What would you like to accomplish before you die?

A long, healthy life.

What is your mantra?

My mantra is: “The Dude abides.”


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