YabYum Seven: Rossitza Todorova

Rossitza Todorova TransluminalWho are you and what do you do?

My name is Rossitza Todorova and I am an artist. Drawing is my primary art medium with which I create works on paper, installations, and artist books. In my work, I explore the relationship between place and memory creating landscapes that capture the flux of time.

How did you get your start?

I was encouraged as a child and told that I had talent. However, it was when I immigrated to the US from Bulgaria that my artwork became a way to connect with my new surroundings and helped me to assimilate into my new home. Being an artist is more than a passion, it’s synonymous for me with identity.

What inspires you?

I find the most inspiration while traveling, I love the moment of getting in the car or on the plane where I get to look out the window and feel myself moving toward something. The transition into a new place is often the feeling I am striving to capture in my work.IMG_8604

What do you like about AZ?

I have also been so very lucky to learn from and work with wonderful, genuine, intelligent people that have supported my art and my ambitions in work and in my personal life. I really love the art community here and am so proud to see how it is growing.

Where can we see you(r) work?

  • May 26 – September 29, 2016 – “Aesthetics Primary,” Fifth Street School Mayor’s Gallery, Las Vegas, NV
  • August 15 – 26, 2016, “Artist: In Residence,” Harry Wood Gallery, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
  • September 2 – 23, 2016 “Visions of Grandeur,” Chartreuse, Bragg’s Pie Factory, Phoenix AZ
  • July 18 – December 14, 2016 – “Rossitza Todorova,” Las Vegas City Hall, Las Vegas NV
  • August 6, 2017, “Anderson Ranch Art Center, 50th Anniversary Annual Art Auction,” Snowmass, CO
  • Visit my website

What would you like to accomplish before you die?

Have a retrospective at the New York Guggenheim. And, visit every continent and country on earth.

What is your mantra?

Ship, always ship.

Rossitza Todorova_If the sea can calm herself



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