1. Who are you and what do you do?
I am Travis Rice and I show livestock at county fairs. Actually, I am an artist and designer.
2. How did you get your start?
Umm…well, I was pretty green to the whole art thing until I enrolled at Ball State University to study Architecture. The Architecture program at Ball State exposed us to art, literature, music, theater, etc… Up to that point I hadn’t given it much thought, but the art kids had cool hair, listened to good music, and hated Reagan so I thought I can hang with these people.
3. What inspires you?
Sleep…never underestimate a good night’s sleep. Rude, ridiculous, bombastic, over the top, gaudy, tasteless comedy…the wronger the better. Oh… and Walmart.
4. What do you like about AZ?
I like that there exists at least some form of adult entertainment approximately every 500 feet in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area. It’s like there is a zoning ordinance mandating it. On the drive to my studio every night I can’t find a grocery store to save my life but can be knee-deep in spank magazines every other corner. Oh, and the weather is nice also.
5. Where can we see you(r) work?
Moberg Gallery Des Moines, IA
11, Phoenix College Eric Fischl Gallery, Phoenix, AZ in October.
Chaos Theory 17, Legend City Studios Phoenix, AZ in October.
Fodderland, Step Gallery at the Grant Street Studios, Phoenix, AZ February 16th – 25th.
6. What would you like to accomplish before you die?
Well I am not much of prognosticator so I generally just want to be able to live and sustain a creative life with a healthy son and a healthy wife and an intact prostate.
7. What is your mantra?
Had to look this one up so I suppose “Google it” is my mantra.