We Stand with Standing Rock.

standing rock 04by Carly Schorman
Senior Editor

We decided to take a moment out of our regularly scheduled music programming to bring you a special holiday message this Thanksgiving.

Sure, a few weeks ago I would have said that most of the people in this country are horrified by the atrocities committed by colonists against the Native people of the Americas. In the wake of our recent election, I am beginning to have my doubts that those sentiments are as widely felt as I initially suspected.

Some might want to push responsibility for that genocide on long-since-deceased ancestors so they can approach the holiday with guilt-free gluttony. But, in the wake of recent events taking place at Standing Rock, I have to say that Thanksgiving feasting while our country continues to trample the rights of Native peoples (while putting our nation’s very life blood – water – in serious jeopardy) is a little bit tacky.

Does this mean you should smash all the pies on the floor of your grandmother’s kitchen today? Not necessarily.

I suggest instead that we use our family gatherings for what President Obama would term “a learning opportunity.” Maybe print out the phone numbers provided below and take turns making calls to voice your opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline and the abhorrent treatment of our Water Protectors. Or maybe talk to your family about skipping (or skimping) on presents this year and making a donation to aid the Water Protectors instead (donations can be made here). Or maybe both.

Also, on December 8th there is a supply drive planned to assist Stand Rock Sioux activists and allies get ready for Winter camp. There is quite a list of supplies that are needed so maybe you can talk to your family about what they might have sitting around that could aid the cause. Information about the supply drive and the complete list of requested items can be found here.

And you can do all of this while eating pumpkin pie with those you love… or, at least, tolerate on these “special” occasions. The best way to gain distance from the crimes of our nation’s past is to stop the same atrocities from repeating in our present.


Phone Numbers:
North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple: (701) 328-2200
Army Corps: (202) 761-5903
Morton County Sheriff: (701) 667-3330

#NoDAPL Winter Camp Fund
Supply Drive for Standing Rock Sioux Activists and Allies

One More: 

And, as I’ve always been a fan of a strongly worded letter, you can write to Gov. Dalrymple here…

600 East Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58505