YabYum Seven: Frank Ybarra



Who are you and what do you do?

Frank Ibarra: I am a painter and printmaker, although painting is my main medium.

How did you get your start?

I started out my career as a graphic designer. But I have always spent my spare time painting. In the early ’90’s, I was a member of MARS (Movimiento Artistico del Rio Salado). Being a part of this organization taught me a lot about how to exhibit my art and market it.

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Roxxie Loves Frida

What inspires you?

My family. My Mexican Heritage. I am a native of Phoenix, so local landmarks and AZ landscapes inspire me.

What do you like about AZ?

The scenery. Our desert way of life. Unique to other parts of the U.S.

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Cathedrals of Nature

Where can we see you(r) work?

I have a studio at my home. I am represented at Casa de Artistas in Old Town Scottsdale. Plus I get involved in showing my work in Downtown Phoenix venues. I will be showing with my friends, Joe Ray and Gennaro Garcia at the Found:Re Hotel during Art Detour in March of 2017.

What would you like to accomplish before you die?

Good question. I just hope that my art leaves a special memory in the viewers heart. Perhaps one of my paintings reminds them of a fond memory in their lives. When I hear people share this with me, I am humbled and honored that they get the message.

What is your mantra?

I always tell young artists to “Keep on Painting” and don’t give up. It is very important to be passionate about their work and get involved.


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West of Camelback Mountain

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For more paintings and also examples of Frank’s prints, head to his website.