Radio Phoenix Podcast: 2016 Awards Preview

2016 awards 01At the end of year, in preface to our Annual Awards, the YabYum Editors like to take a moment and play their favorite tracks from all the Arizona bands and artists that left an impression on them. This is that show, the 2016 Awards preview. No guests. No witty banter. Just kick-ass jams. Enjoy!

PS. Thanks to everyone who came out to our 2016 Awards show at the Trunk Space, it meant a lot!

PSS. That sound is Scott taking pics in the background…

Complete Playlist:

Katterwaul “Follow You Home”

Wyves “Spoils of War”

Fairy Bones “Pink Plastic Cups”

Asian Fred “Kick Back Your Head”

Diners “15 On A Skateboard”

Sonoran Chorus “Cartons of Bottles”

US Depressed “Fault & Pepper Salami”

Phantom Party “Derby Daze”

Foresteater “Very Friendly People”

Aesthetically Sound “In My Feelings”

The Foster Family Band “How Can I?”

Gene Tripp “Here It Comes”

Phoenix Afrobeat Orchestra “Come With Us”


Recorded live on December 21, 2016