YabYum Seven: Laura Cohen-Hogan

Laura Cohen-Hogan 05Who are you and what do you do?

Laura Cohen-Hogan, artist and creative thinker.

How did you get your start?

I started coloring and painting when I was a little girl growing up in Phoenix, AZ. My mom taught me to see. I learned white was not really white, and brown was really red, yellow and blue. In high school, I began art class drawing contour and gesture drawings from peer models each day. While working on my BFA in Hawaii and ASU, I continued to develop my life drawing, painting and print making. I received my Masters in Education to fulfill my goal to teach. I published my thesis: Behavior Modification Model in Art Education at the Junior High School Level and subsequently created a positive environment in which the greatest creative potential of a student could emerge. After developing my creativity and the inclusion of the visual arts as a teacher, administrator and professor, I became an artist and advocate of the arts.

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All photos courtesy of Laura Cohen-Hogan

What inspires you?

Just put an art tool in my hand and I become inspired to create a piece of art.

What do you like about AZ?

I grew up in Arizona(all but 2 years). Arizona has provided memories, opportunities, challenges, and home.

Laura Cohen-Hogan 04Where can we see you(r) work?

Currently, I am the “featured artist” at Herberger AZ Center. I have a studio at the Artery that is open on first Fridays. I also have work displayed at the Collective Gallery at the Artery. I will have my work at a booth for Fine Art In the Garden at Shemer Art Center on March 11.

Laura Cohen-Hogan 02What would you like to accomplish before you die?

Being a cancer survivor, I was faced with the big C eight years ago. When that happens your life flashes before your eyes. I have been blessed with a wonderful family, many incredible and unique experiences, opportunities to travel, and surrounded by special friends. My life now, is the cherry on the hot fudge sundae. I wake up everyday glad to be alive. I am fortunate to infuse art into my life.

What is your mantra?

My mantra: the sound of the wind blowing through the palm frond.


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