YabYum Seven: Anwar Newton

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Photo by Daniel Thompson

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Anwar Newton and I think I’m a comedian.

How did you get your start?

From one to many coworkers gaslighting me with the idea that I’m funny enough to be a stand up comedian. Started going to open mics and here we are almost 5 years later.

What inspires you?

I think I only get inspired by other comedians doing something new.

What do you like about AZ?

I like the sense of community in spite of the perceived politics in this state. People actually work to make Phoenix in particular a place that is a contradiction to what people outside of the state see it as. I’ve made all of my best friends from this city.

anwar newton 03Where can we see you(r) work?

I produce a weekly show at Crescent Ballroom called “This Week Sucks Tonight!” every Thursday at 11 PM where my co-host, Michael Turner, and I make light of the week in news and roast other comedians. I also produce and host “Literally The Worst Show Ever” with Daniel Thomson which has been going on for 2 years in downtown Phoenix and has gotten so much attention that we were lucky enough to have to move to a bigger venue, so the show has moved from Valley Bar to Crescent Ballroom. The show is semi-monthly so you just have to follow us on social media for updates on the next show. It’s pretty fun actually.

What would like to accomplish before you die?

An associate’s degree.

What is your mantra?

It sounds corny when I say it out loud but it’s “For the glory or for the story”. This is the reason I agree to do pretty much everything because if it sucks, I’ll have a good story to tell at least.


Follow Anwar Newton on Facebook and Instagram.