YabYum Seven: Cody Rex Chamberlain

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All photos courtesy of Cody Rex Chamberlain

Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Cody Rex Chamberlain. I’m a visual artist. I identify as a painter, first and foremost.

How did you get your start?

Some of my earliest memories of are of my parents painting and drawing. They were both creative people, though they didn’t consider it their vocation to be so. I started creating art myself very young. My mother made sure I had the tools to.

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What inspires you?

My inspiration is, in large part, the desert. Being there is a sort of beautiful reality check. The natural process of life and death are starkly exposed to the desert explorer. You’ll see a weathered skull nestled up against a living tree, or the new bloom of a yucca next to a withered juniper.

What do you like about AZ?

Arizona has been a favorite retreat of artists I admire. I remember seeing photographs of Max Ernst and Dorothea Tanning hamming it up in Sedona. Ernst said Paris and Sedona were the only places he wanted to live. Arizona lends itself well to surrealism, and I consider myself a surrealist.

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Bird Of Prey

Where can we see you(r) work?

The quickest fix is my Instagram.  There you can see a visual chronicle of the various shows, collections, and articles I’m featured in at a given time.

What would you like to accomplish before you die?

I’d like to have created a body of work that bears witness to the beauty of the western landscape as I’ve experienced it. What I hope to accomplish is what I’m actively working towards accomplishing.

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Inside The Mesa

What is your mantra?

The earth is forever.


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Rush Valley

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