YabYum Seven: Scarlett Decker

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All photos courtesy of Scarlett Decker

Who are you and what do you do?

I’m Scarlett Decker (Scarlett Ministero-Decker on Facebook) and I do mixed-media constructions and installation.

How did you get your start?

In Kindergarten, we had clay and I made a basket and snakes and I didn’t want to stop. In second grade, I contact-papered the entire living room as a surprise for my mom (she was surprised!) and I continued throughout school with an uncontrollable urge to make things. Later, it became more acceptable.

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“The Game” | marble chess board, bullets, lipstick

What inspires you?

Artists inspire me. Nature inspires me. Words inspire me. Politics inspire me (not in a good way). Satire inspires me.

What do you like about AZ?

I like absolutely everything about Arizona. When I go elsewhere all I do is complain about the weather. I love the heat! I love the geography. If we had more water here I wouldn’t have to go to California and see the ocean but otherwise Arizona is perfect!

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“Checking” | installation

Where can we see you(r) work?

My website. And currently I’m really doing more in Instagram. I have some small works in Chicago now but more planned for the Phoenix area this year.

What would you like to accomplish before you die?

I have about 100 things on my bucket list and 10,000 art ideas that I have yet to create. I don’t have time to die! Mostly, I would like the respect of my peers and to continue to make art, those are my goals of success.

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“Domestic Violins” | broken violins, aprons

What is your mantra?

“Push”. I write the word “Push” every day and I try and PUSH myself outside my comfort zone, both in art and in life every day. It always is so worth it.


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“One-Sock Danny” | mateless socks, various clothes and shoes

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“Uncle Albert” | zippers, plaster cast leg, shoe

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“Sighs and Whispers in the Night” | plaster ear, fabric