Song from The Listening Room: The Foster Family Band

foster family band 01The Foster Family Band set up at The Listening Room Phoenix just to knock us down with their stellar performance of “Masquerades”. Check out the video of that performance below as part of our Songs from the Listening Room series.

Plus, make sure you continue on below the video to our interview with guitarist/vocalist Perry Allen where he talks about his songwriting process, as well as what’s coming up for The Foster Family Band, including the release of their new 7″ record…

So, please tell us a little about the song you chose to perform. When did you write it? Anything prompt its creation?

Perry Allen: “Masquerades” was written in spring 2017 and then Allyson [Wuenschel] worked on the arrangement through that fall.”I had been in the midst of an intense writing practice – for a year I was writing one song per week. Most songs were just sketches… a few of them stuck. This is one of those few.

Do you have a method in your songwriting? If not a formalized process, a habitual approach?

It often manifests differently. Maybe with a lyric or two that inspire a melody, maybe a chord progression or rhythmic pattern that then develops. Taking time to edit and manipulate that rough sketch has been really important too. I love when a tune just comes out complete, but most of the time a few revisions need to occur (and sometimes playing the tunes live too) in order to reach a comfortable form.

Do you try to keep to a regular songwriting schedule? Or is it a bit more haphazard? Maybe sitting down when inspiration hits or squeezing in time as you find it?

Often inspiration swells and I am compelled to work on a tune despite whatever else I was doing at the time. That being said, I also structure songwriting into my regular practice.

Who are some of the songwriters that inspire you &/or your own work?

This is an incredibly tough question. Lately, we’ve been leaning into so many folk works that the author is often anonymous – as well as listening to the breadth of local songwriters throughout the valley.

Any new projects in the works that we should keep watch for?

We have a new record , a 7” vinyl pressing, coming out soon! There will be a release show at Valley Bar, May 12 – it’s going to be a pretty special line-up, we’re really excited about it!


For tickets to The Foster Family Band [Vinyl 45 Release] visit Ticketfly.