Band Basics Episode 02: Snailmate

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So, here’s the deal. We always receive questions from musicians that fall outside the scope of information we usually offer as a publication. Over the history of our website we’ve tried to offer helpful hints here and there on a variety of subjects, from booking shows to contacting the press, but we want to delve even further. Welcome to Band Basics 101.

For our second episode, we invited the duo known as Snailmate down to the studio to talk some major shop. Focusing on some key points such as touring and merchandise, Ariel and Kalen drop some road-wise knowledge on hosts Devin and Mark and now our listening audience as well.

Check out our interview with Snailmate below and then head over to Spotify to check out their bonus playlist of bands both local and abroad, as well the Snailmate tracks we preview in the episode.

ALSO, make to catch Snailmate’s triumphant return to the Valley when they play 51WEST on Saturday, September 29 with Joe Jack Talcum, Coolzey, Moodie Black + locals TOSO and Andy Warpigs!! More info on that event here.

Make sure to tune in to Band Basics on iTunesGoogleStitcher, and of course right here, where we’ll feature new guests and band advice every month!

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Ariel + Kalen