Band Basics

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Social Savvy: Phillip Hanna of Twin Ponies

In the Phoenix Valley, the DIY scene has seen an astronomical growth within the last five years or so. If you are in Tempe, you have most likely stumbled upon a show in houses around the college town featuring a plethora of local and touring bands on any given night. Among those bands who have been pioneers of the Valley’s burgeoning DIY “revival” is Tempe’s Twin Ponies. However, according to singer/guitarist Wayne Jones at every show, the exact location of Twin Ponies’ origin is Southern [Ave.] & Hardy [Dr.] in Tempe…

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Band Basics: Mike Zimmerlich

For our fourth episode of Band Basics, we asked Mike Zimmerlich of 80/20 Records to join us in the studio. As the co-founder and President of 80/20, we talk shop on running a record label, submitting your music, contacting the press, plus a whole lot more. Hosted by Mark Anderson, catch this hour long conversation with Mike and (hopefully) learn a thing or two as they discuss a myriad of topics about being in the music business. Check out our interview with Mike below as well as his Spotify playlist that not only features the two songs we preview in this episode, but a bunch of bands both local and abroad…

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Social Savvy: James World

by Allyson Bills

Phoenix’s James World recently went where no band has gone before: on the night of April 3rd, they used the Arizona’s tallest building (the Chase building) to project an image of a globe and a text that read “James World 5/26” in order to promote their upcoming album release show for Funny Dreams at Valley Bar. Their bold promotional tactic caught the eyes of the Downtown Phoenix Community as the band’s Instagram story was flooded with reposts of this image…

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Social Savvy: Joe Maier of “Every Show Joe”

If you are a regular attendee of local and national concerts, you may have wondered who this guy is flying around the venue with a camera… or maybe you’ve seen his Instagram account of attending multiple shows a night and wonder if he actually sleeps.

The man behind the lens is Joe Maier, who goes by the moniker “Every Show Joe”, because, literally, he attends every show! Maier began chronicling his show haunts on his personal Facebook page in 2011, and shortly after, he expanded his empire into YouTube with “Every Show Joe Says Go” which highlights all the upcoming shows in the Valley.

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Social Savvy: A Claire Slattery

by Allyson Bills

If you are active in the Phoenix arts and music scene, there is a high probability that you have run into A Claire Slattery.

The brainchild behind world-famous Tempe social outings such as The Vanishing Show and the Grand Opening of Chili’s, in curating these hot events it’s evident that Slattery has an intrinsic knack for bringing the Phoenix area community together through socially-conscious discourse and ironic fun…

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Social Savvy: Chris Robinson of CATERPILLARS

If you happen to live in the Mid-or-Southwest, it’s possible that you may be familiar with Caterpillars, a Dallas-based band founded by vocalist/guitarist Chris Robinson in 2008 that channels the heydays of both 90s and early 2000s emo. You also may recognize a familiar name in the band lineup, drummer Stephen O’Sicky, a former Arizona resident and a member of the defunct Phoenix band, The Constellation Branch…

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