Best Live Band 2018: TOSO

toso 700The best live band to see in 2018 was hand’s down – absitively, posolutely – TOSO. If you missed catching just one of their 12,000 shows this year then you missed out. BIG time. With a pair of albums to their credit this year, The Cleanse and The Waste, TOSO played out in abundance. However, far from delegating the band’s live show into the same ol’ act with the same ol’ setlist, TOSO uses each live performance to showcase a different story and theme. The Pizza Chronicles, TOSO Family Sitcom, Who Leaves Crescent Ballroom Alive?, ManRic VS Dr. Mank, Gary Blotter and the Chamber of Secrets,  and Super Barrio Party are all real and just some of the shows they played this year. Writer/Photographer Logan Lowrey-Rasmussen caught them not once, not twice, but thrice for YabYum this year and he was never disappointed.

Catch TOSO yourself at the first ever TSFEST happening at The Trunk Space on Saturday, January 26 and check out their latest album, The Waste, below.