YabYum Presents: Confessions from the Nocturne Nebula [a space-noir podcast]

nocturne nebula poster 01Coming in Autumn of 2019, YabYum Music + Arts is proud to present “Confessions from the Nocturne Nebula” – an original, science-fiction, space-noir podcast.

With a 25-member cast, the story centers around Nolan Stone, owner of a popular nightclub on Aldfar Station. When one of the women working for Nolan decides to head back to her home planet, the station gives her a send off worth remembering, but she’s back at the bar only hours after her departure, injured and in trouble.

And so begins our tale of misadventure through the seedier side of humanity’s future…

Written by Carly Schorman and Dale Rasmussen. Directed and starring Dale Rasmussen. Original score by Devin Morris. Produced by the team at YabYum Music + Arts.