Sponsor Spotlight: Suzanne Ryan of T&H Financial

YabYum couldn’t offer continued support of the local music and arts community if we didn’t have the support of local business owners. These local business owners know the importance putting their money back into the communities where they live and work. We at YabYum created a Q&A series to offer a bit of a getting-to-know-you session with some of the wonderful people and businesses that help make our publication possible.  

Who are you and what do you do?

Hi! My name is Suzanne Ryan and I love my family and friends! I also enjoy my work – helping people reduce stress and achieving financial freedom. I’m a Financial Coach.

What led you to choose your profession?

In 2014, when my life turned upside down because of divorce, I needed to figure out what my new life would look like. Although it was hard, I took the time to question every aspect of my life. When I discovered the answers, I accepted them into my heart and I’ve been purposefully creating my life every day since. One of the first things I needed to figure out, of course, was my money. How much did I want to spend and how much did I want to save, and how could I be the most generous? I took a financial class so I could figure it all out. I enjoyed being in control of my money for the first time in a long time, and I fell in love with the idea of helping others figure it out! My journey led me to opening my financial coaching business, T&H Financial Coaching.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

Imagine yourself standing on top of a mountain and taking in the beautiful views. You can see forever! Then you take in a few deep breaths, plant your poles and push off. You laugh and ski and sing all the way down to the lift so you can jump on and do it all over again.

Of course, when I’m not skiing, I enjoy reading, walking, creating, and checking out new restaurants. I love when someone else does the cooking!

What do you like most about Arizona?

When I first moved to Arizona to teach, I was awed by the beautiful sunsets. There’s nothing like sitting on the patio, sipping on an iced Pinot Grigio, and taking in those magnificent colors!

I also like living here because my family and friends like to get away from the bitter cold of Minnesota and Wisconsin.

If you could give people one piece of professional advice, what would it be?

This is golden: Pay off your debt so you can save money and become wealthy.

What makes your business stand out?

My clients enjoy my strong focus on their vision, values, and goals. I provide the practical tools and guidance they need so their money supports them to live the life they’ve been dreaming about.

I view money holistically because I believe it’s not about the money, but what we do with our money and how it supports us in living the life we are meant to live. We are always trying to keep the six areas of life in balance and when one of the areas is out of balance, whether too much or too little, it effects all the areas and throws them out of balance as well.

I often work with couples whose money has gotten out of balance. They begin working with me because of their money situation. As we dig deeper, we find that the money issues are causing imbalance in other areas. Their relationship with each other is suffering, their financial stress is causing them to be less productive at work, and all of this is negatively effecting their physical wellbeing. When we get their money order, the other areas become more aligned and balanced.

If you could have a three martini lunch with anyone, who would it be?

After switching the martinis out for wine and adding fresh flowers to the table, I would enjoy spending time with my mom. She passed a few years ago, and I miss hanging out with her, talking about the kids, what’s going on, and just everyday life. Love you, Mom!

What is something you’d like to do before you die?

I want to go on more adventures! It would be amazing if I finished visiting all 50 states and skied every resort in North America. I also want to be the best grandma in the world!

What is your mantra?

Lead with kindness.

What is your call to action for our readers?

When you take an honest look at your money, at your finances, and you find them to be out balance and causing you stress in some other area of your life, know it’s time.

I care about you and I want you to be successful. You’re invited to schedule a complimentary consultation: Discovery Call!