
Sarah Ventre

YabYum Seven: Sarah Ventre

Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Sarah Ventre, and I’m an audio journalist, podcast producer, and host of the new documentary podcast, Unfinished: Short Creek, about the community on the Utah-Arizona border that’s home to the FLDS church. I’m also the regional producer of The Moth, and one of the founders of Girls Rock! Phoenix…

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sugar thieves 700

An Insider’s Introduction: The Sugar Thieves

The Sugar Thieves came together in musical love and bluesy harmony more than a decade ago in a smokey dive bar with the fateful partnership of lead singer Meridith Moore and guitar player/vocalist Mikel Lander. Yes, it was Big Fish Pub and the year was 2006, the planets aligned to give the Valley this bastion of music from the American Heartland…

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what the fork

What The Fork? Podcast Uploads a New Afterlife

The local (and loveable) podcasting duo of Jared Duran and Jason Keil launched What The Fork? podcast to document their love of the NBC television show The Good Place along with their growing bromance. But, after three seasons, Keil and Duran pressed pause on The Good Place while they waited for the fourth season to hit streaming for fans and picked up a new program to discuss in the interim.

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YabYum Seven: Garrett Bowers

My name is Garrett Bowers. I’m a musician, audio engineer, and visual artist. My main creative focus is being the songwriter and front man for the band Juniper Ridge, a musical project that is an eclectic mix of folk, rock, jazz and more.  As an audio engineer I record and produce music out of a home studio. I’m currently recording a full album for Dean Nelson and an EP for The Aquatic Hitchhiker….

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