Music Video of the Day: “Don’t Be A Loner, Party Through Corona” by One Final Boss

One Final Boss
“Don’t Be A Loner, Party Through Corona”

One Final Boss is “a music project born out of watching old friends grow up and settle down while spending too much time on the internet.” Now, if that isn’t a statement that doesn’t hit home with you in some way, I don’t know what you’re doing on this website. Simon Maguire, the songwriter behind One Final Boss, actually draws several parallels in this song that I find awkwardly related, but it seems he has a knack for that sort of thing. “Don’t Be A Loner, Party Through Corona” is a timely number that addresses pandemic living with some quirky indie pop. The single comes from to us from a 3-track release titled It’s COVID’s World, We’re Just Living In It, which can be found on Spotify and other platforms.

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