The Quarantine Questionnaire: Joel Ekdahl

Photo by Joel Ekdahl

Who are you and are you in a band or do you perform solo? If in a band(s), what is the name of that band?

My name is Joel Ekdahl…I have a band and play solo occasionally. Exploding Oranges is has been a revolving door with lots of local friends rotating in and out. I also play with Manic Monkeys…we rotate on instruments and singing.

What instrument(s) do you play?

I play guitar, bass, drums, piano, mandolin, ukulele, harmonica, banjo, currently learning lap steel and mountain dulcimer.

How long have you been making music? And what first drew you to your craft?

From 8th grade to my senior year, I was in choir. I started learning guitar my sophomore year in high school. Started playing at church. Started trying to write songs about this time. Just hearing songs I liked, wanting to write too… mostly the Beatles and Beach Boys.

What was your favorite show of all the shows you’ve ever played?

With the first band I played with in town, Hot Coffee, we had a show with The Lumineers before they blew up…fun show, nice folks. We’ll see what other ones the future has…

What would be your dream lineup/location?

Would love to play a show with the Jayhawks or Wilco…

What are you listening to during this period of social distancing?

I’ve been listening to the new HAIM album a lot, the new Jayhawks, Dirty Projectors, the new Fiona Apple, Trey Anastasio.

What are you binge watching/reading?

I started reading David Byrne’s book, How Music Works, in pieces.

What else are you doing with these extra hours at home? Extra creative time?

For Christmas, I got a really nice photo printer. So, I have been making prints. Also, I got a 3d printer. I’ve been learning how to use it. I made a keychain recently. I’ve also been writing and recording a lot. Put an EP out at the beginning of quarantine and figuring out songs for the next album.

If you could Facetime/Zoom anyone in the world for an extended convo right now, who would it be? Facetime or Zoom?

Probably Gary Louris from the Jayhawks, Jeff Tweedy from Wilco, Paul Mccartney…I would pick their brains on songwriting, production.

Favorite food you can make at home?

I make a lot of variations on sandwiches and french toast.

Are you currently working on any new musical projects? If so, what?

Just writing and recording at home. Putting songs together for a new album. Coming soon!

How can folx support your musical endeavors? Can people check out or purchase your work online? What other options might be available?

The new EP, Quarandream, is on Bandcamp and all the other digital places. Gonna be making an online shop soon so people can order keychains and such. Keep an eye out for that.