Goodbye, Hello.

What a stupid year. For us, 2020 was a year of canceled shows, extended isolation, diminished victories, Zoom funerals, sorrow, rage, and anxiety… but also one of growth, of learning more about what is really most important to us, and artistic exploration. For us as YabYum, 2020 became a time to pause, step back, and reevaluate the direction the publication had taken.

And, after all of this reflecting, we feel this new year is a good time for change. As a publication, as individuals, as an entire species. But first, we’d like to say goodbye to the trash fire that was 2020 as we move into the new year with some skeptical optimism. And, for dramatic effect, we’ve added this new track from CUTTS because (a) this cover is rad and (b) the song carries that sense of weary hope we think most of us are feeling right now, whether this version is your preferred version or not.

– C. Danger on behalf of YabYum

CUTTS: Instagram | Twitter | Spotify