
Goodbye, Hello.

What a stupid year. But all those reading this survived. Sadly, not all did. For me, 2020 was a year of Zoom funerals, canceled shows, extended isolation, diminished victories, sorrow, rage, and anxiety, but also one of growth, of learning more about what is really most important to me, and artistic exploration…

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coffee pot 700

Coffee Pot: ‘Anthrophobia’ [album review]

by Logan Lowrey-Rasmussen

What and who the hell is Coffee Pot?

For the past few months, I’ve closely followed a musician’s Twitter handle of unknown origins, like Rumpelstiltskin approaching me with a weary bargain, a strange-yet-endearing EP under the title of Anthrophobia ended up getting shoved into the back of my inbox until I felt fully in control of my rapidly-decaying cognitive abilities. Containing the Latin prefix “anthro”, meaning human, how could I resist a short five-track romp with the theme of “human phobia?” I hate humans, and you should too!

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