
Nietzsche and Eternal Recurrence

The Mortician’s Daughter 005: Nietzsche and Eternal Recurrence

This time around, I’m here to briefly touch upon Nietzsche and Eternal Recurrence. Now, Friedrich Nietzsche presents such a large and looming figure — philosophically, culturally, and personally — that I feel we will be revisiting him and his work again in the months and years to come so, instead of getting too carried away right off the bat, I thought it might be best to narrow our focus and touch upon one of his more popular notions: Eternal Recurrence. We can save the Übermensch and Nazis and horse-whipping crazy-house for another day…

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Nietzsche and Eternal Recurrence

Episode 005: Nietzsche and Eternal Recurrence

The Mortician's Daughter
Episode 005: Nietzsche and Eternal Recurrence

This time around, I’m here to briefly touch upon Nietzsche and Eternal Recurrence. Now, Friedrich Nietzsche presents such a large and looming figure — philosophically, culturally, and personally — that I feel we will be revisiting him and his work again in the months and years to come so, instead of getting too carried away right off the bat, I thought it might be best to narrow our focus and touch upon one of his more popular notions: Eternal Recurrence. We can save the Übermensch and Nazis and horse-whipping crazy-house for another day…

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deadly resolution 700

The Mortician’s Daughter: Deadly Resolution

If you haven’t quite held to all those New Year’s resolutions, this is definitely an episode for you as we explore the dangers lurking in your “Get Fit” plans. You might be surprised to discover just what life-threatening hazards are waiting for you at your neighborhood gym. And, of course, we find a few freak run-ins with death in the most unexpected of places…

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merry wives 700

The Mortician’s Daughter 003: Merry Wives and Black Widows

In this installment of The Mortician’s Daughter we discuss what differentiates a Black Widow from your run-of-the-mill murderess and discuss some famous Black Widows from history. We also do some real life exploring of the Mystery Castle on South Mountain in Phoenix and discover the macabre story behind the “chocolate organ” that sits in the castle’s wedding chapel…

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mortician's daughter death by fairy

Episode 002: Death by Fairy

The Mortician's Daughter
Episode 002: Death by Fairy

Those adorable tiny creatures from the British Isles are not to be trifled with and we can tell you why on this new episode of The Mortician’s Daughter. Beyond exploring their place in history, we follow fairies right through to their present day presence. And we recount the tragic end of Bridget Boland Cleary, the fairy changeling bride…

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The Mortician's Daughter begin with end

The Mortician’s Daughter 001: Begin with the End

For our very first episode of The Mortician’s Daughter, I offer up a short introduction before diving right in with the Stages of Death, including algor and rigor mortis. And, of course, we establish the most difficult stage to identify: death itself. Just what does make someone officially dead anyway? Find out on this episode…

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The Mortician's Daughter begin with end

Episode 001: Begin with the End

The Mortician's Daughter
Episode 001: Begin with the End

For our very first episode of The Mortician’s Daughter, I offer up a short introduction before diving right in with the Stages of Death, including algor and rigor mortis. And, of course, we establish the most difficult stage to identify: death itself. Just what does make someone officially dead anyway? Find out on this episode.

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