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The Tastemaker’s Ten: Matt Rendon

Which Matt Rendon is cooler? Matt Rendon, the sound engineer behind Midtown Island Studios in Tucson, or the musician Matt Rendon of such noted acts as The Resonars? Thankfully, they are one and the same so we can just embrace our love of all Matt Rendon forms. And, today, he’ll be taking on the roll of official YabYum Tastemaker for this special “Best Drummers Ever” installment of The Tastemaker’s Ten!

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The Mortician’s Daughter 003: Merry Wives and Black Widows

In this installment of The Mortician’s Daughter we discuss what differentiates a Black Widow from your run-of-the-mill murderess and discuss some famous Black Widows from history. We also do some real life exploring of the Mystery Castle on South Mountain in Phoenix and discover the macabre story behind the “chocolate organ” that sits in the castle’s wedding chapel…

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merry wives 700

Episode 003: Merry Wives and Black Widows

The Mortician's Daughter
Episode 003: Merry Wives and Black Widows

In this installment of The Mortician’s Daughter we discuss what differentiates a Black Widow from your run-of-the-mill murderess and discuss some famous Black Widows from history. We also do some real life exploring of the Mystery Castle on South Mountain in Phoenix and discover the macabre story behind the “chocolate organ” that sits in the castle’s wedding chapel…

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