Web Round Up!

It’s time for your weekly web round up where we share some of the fun things we’ve come across from Arizona bloggers! Make sure you’re on our web radar by email us a link to your AZ blog and we’ll make sure to check it out – [email protected]
Lisa of lalafauxbois takes us to Tour de Fat ’12 with an insider’s eye for adventure. Lisa and her friends opted for a French theme this year… and is that Jon Douglas of A Technicolor Yawn dressed as Pepe le Pew?!
Gwen Ashley Walters of Pen & Fork  interviews David Tyda, co-founder of the Arizona Taco Festival which takes place later this month (October 20 & 21). 
The Spec posted “Six Arizona Music Kickstarters to Kick Into Start” earlier this week. What a great way to get the word out on some awesome AZ-based projects!
Adrian (of Adrian Loves Owls) was a featured guest post-er on the topic of Composting for another AZ blog, Cuddly Cactus. Wheew, follow that. Composting good times for all you urban gardeners out there!
Phoenix Taco checks out the new works on the Calle 16 mural off 16th Street between Thomas and Osborn on an awesomely cloudy day.
Paulina Pineda recaps RoRo’s Chile Pepper Festival on Exploring the 602. If you missed the event you can still head over to Lawn Gnome Publishing for your very own Chile Pepper Cookbook and try to recreate the magic.
And, you didn’t really think we were going to let this slide past us, did you? MAN-CAT, who took credit for poisoning Justin Bieber after his recent vomiting-incident during a performance in AZ, made Greece’s MTV news report with their antics. Well played, MAN-CAT. Remember, we loved you first.