William Reed Answers The YabYum 7!

Performing at Fashion’s Night Out at Neiman Marcus

1. Who are you and what do you do?

William Reed aka DJ William Fucking Reed–Phoenix based DJ, promoter, radio show host, music business teacher (GCC & MCC) and producer. I also produce and DJ under the alias’ Blaque Panther Disco (house/nu-disco) and Traum (minimal/techno). Owner of Arizona Deejay Company–a boutique mobile entertainment provider specializing in high-end clientele/events. I host/produce the show, Live Transmission on KUKQ Fri & Sat nights from 10pm-midnight.

2. Where can people see you work?

Regular gigs include Cityscape M-F, 11am-1pm, Union @ Biltmore Th-Sat, 5-9pm, Vig Arcadia 9pm-1am, C’est La Vie at Sochu House Sundays 10pm-2am, Risky Business @ Gypsy Bar Thursdays (beginning Dec 6) from 9pm-2am as well as regular appearances at Searsucker and various events/locales around town. I just recently ended my long running Sticky Fingers dance party on Fridays to focus on my studio production and other projects. Also, there’s a new weekly event on the horizon that I think Phoenix will dig–more on that coming in late December.

3. How did you get your start?

I moved here from Germany a little over 10 years ago and was a part of the DTS and Overmind Works crew throwing mid-to-large scale events around town and in the desert. All of my friends were DJ’s at the time and I suppose it just sort of rubbed off. I landed my first regular gig at the legendary Rogue punk bar and ended up with the craziest weekly party in town for 5 years on my hands. The rest is history.

4. What inspires you?

My community, the arts, traveling. I’ve always looked up to the late, great BBC radio host, John Peel, for inspiration as a DJ/ radio show host. He was a true pioneer in introducing new sounds to the masses.

5. What do you like about Arizona?

Too much to list in one email. I love the history and natural beauty of the desert. I also like the sense of community and opportunity that exists here on so many different levels. It’s exciting to see your community develop and evolve before your eyes. It’s even more exciting to be a part of that development.

6. What would you like to accomplish before you die?

That’s a dark question. I’d like to release an album, publish a book or two and open up a few of the many business ideas I have developed over the years. (any investors out there?). Philanthropic work is also on my mind.

7. What is your weapon of choice for the inevitable zombie apocalypse?

Sorry mate, but I just can’t give away my secret weapon that easily.
