Weekly Web Round Up

Another week on the interwebs has yielded some good finds. Please enjoy. Oh, and if you know of any AZ bloggers we should know about please email us at [email protected].

Dee Wallace of The Spec checks out Jivemind’s EP project for aspiring musicians. Learn more about this opportunity for upstart musicians to record an EP for free here
Echo Cloud unleashes their 50 AZ Favorites of 2012 (in no particular order).
Phoenix Taco checks out Jason Griffith’s Tempe Chair Installations, funded by the Tempe Neighborhood Grant Program. 
The AZ Edge hangs out with Prescott’s fem-folk the Gurley Girls. 
Don’t fall behind on new music listening this year! Every Tuesday, Electric Mustache lists all your need to knows so you can stay knowledgeable. 
Phoenix is Haute‘s “I Have a Cool Job” post this week features awesome artists Joshua and Sarah Rhodes. Read more about this cool couple and get inspired!
Many of us have been trapped indoors overcoming illness this flu season. How we all deal with these periods of confinement differs. Some of us catch up on missed television shows, some of us cook up healing soups, and there’s the one chick from i believe in unicorns who decides this is her personal party time. I love it. How to deal with “a strange case of the boreds”? Confetti your walls