Arizona Gives: More Adventures in Fundraising!

March 20 is Arizona Gives Day, a day for us Zonies to come together and give to the nonprofit organizations that make our communities better. It’s a day for us to stand together and show that we’re not cheap, heartless, money-hoarding bastards. Or, at least, for those of us who can afford to join in that stand.
Find out more about Arizona Gives Day here. And, if we might make another suggestion, consider directing your donations to Radio Phoenix!

We’re always big fans of directly giving to artists within the community as a way to bring creative visions into reality. Dry River Yacht Club, a local band rapidly approaching the status of institution, needs some support to get their next album out on vinyl! Contribute here and score some cool DYRC swag for your generosity.
Crista Cloutier – artist, dealer, curator, gallerist, and more – knows the ins-and-outs of the art business. She’s ready to lay it all out in the Working Artist online, a downloadable program based on the class Crista has offered to artists. Learn more about the project and contribute here. You can even pre-order your copy at a discounted price.