Mark Matlock Answers the YabYum Seven

Photos courtesy of Mark Matlock.

1. Who are you and what do you do?

Mark Matlock also known as matlocktheartist. I’m a painter, live artist and art promoter.

2. How did you get your start?

I was born into an artistic family. I learned how to read stories from pictures before I could read words and I have been translating life as I see it in pictures ever since. I didn’t decide to be an artist, I just was.

3. What inspires you?

Life, history, my place in history, how I see it… represent it. With that in mind recently it was classic actors and musicians I admire. Now I’m into American writers… I bore quickly, my subject matter changes often.

4. What do you like about Arizona?

The mountains, open space and the low cost of living.

5. Where can people see you(r) work?

Lulubell Toy Bodega in Mesa, FilmBar in Phoenix, Solo Café in Tempe and Junxion Bar in Tucson. I also paint live monthly at Art A Gogh Gogh at Sail Inn in Tempe. Online at

6. What would you like to accomplish before you die?

To complete my work without regret.

7. What’s your mantra?

To thine own self be true.
