Show Your Support!!

We’re not just about good music here, we’re also about good causes. Although, sometimes good music is the good cause… whatever. Tossing in some financial support – even if it’s just a couple dollars – can have a big impact when you’re working with a community. Pick your cause and give what you can. Or, at the very least, learn about some interesting projects or worthy causes happening around you!
Hinges in Print
Artist, writer, and comic creator Meredith McClaren is ready to take Hinges from the blog-o-sphere to print! With less than a week to go, it looks like Meredith can make her goal with just a little more help and you can score some really awesome swag as an added bonus! Check out her Kickstarter Campaign here. Some rat bastards apparently created a fake Indiegogo page mimicking McClaren’s fundraising efforts – how terrible is that?! Don’t let this instance of abused internet powers prevent this talented AZ artist from reaching her goals! 

Help Fund Captain Squeegee’s Next Album

To the Bardos, the impending album from Captain Squeegee, needs a little help to get the recording underway. The modge-podged band that counts 10 years since its initial and not-entirely-known incarnation has signed up with Bob Hoag’s Flying Blanket Studios for this new undertaking. Not only do you get to be part of something potentially historic, Squeegee fans can also earn some cool rewards for their show of generosity like early copies of the album or a car wash from Captain Squeegee using, yes, squeegees… Learn more and contribute here.

Help send Black Bottom Lighters on Tour

For a band with seven members, touring can be an extremely costly venture. The Black Bottom Lighters are set to embark on their Oregon Trail Tour this summer but they could use a little help. Some rad bonuses are available for those who contribute including your name in a BBL song! Find out more and contribute here!

Support Dane Rossman!!

Okay, so Dane Rossman was arrested on February 21st by U.S. Marshals for his participation in the G20 Summit protests in Canada. Although Dane was initially arrested, along with more than 1,100 other protesters, and released without charges he now faces extradition orders back to Canada (really, Canada?) for charges related to destruction of property. To say this is appalling is an unfathomable understatement. Dane is about to celebrate his 26th birthday from the federal Corrections Corporation of America facility in Florence, AZ while awaiting extradition to Canada. Show him some love by sending him a birthday card or letter. Or, better yet, contribute a little something-something to his defense fund. Learn more about Dane Rossman and stay up to date on his case here