YabYum Seven: Amanda Adkins

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“Red fades before Blue” 16″ x 24″ Oil and Aerosol

1. Who are you and what do you do?

Amanda Adkins: I’m an artist, mother, teacher, and lover of life and desert rat.

2. How did you get your start?

I got my start when I was a young child. My mother and older sister would create oil paintings and watercolor paintings. I loved to watch them work and I would try to draw little pictures while they were painting. One day my mother let me use her watercolors and after that I was hooked.

3. What inspires you?

People inspire me, particular moments in life that make me smile, the beauty of kindness, compassion in others, love, my friends and family. Mother Nature and street culture in all their rawness, graffiti, poetry, books, and music.

4. What do you like about AZ?

I’m native to Arizona and I love the desert. I love our monsoons and warm summer rains and especially the way the desert smells in the rain, it’s caused by a bush called creosote. I have two in my back yard. I love the heat, as strange as it may sound but I’m so used to it I freeze in our short winter when it’s below 80. I have some really amazing friends and family here who I love.

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“Pink Pussy” 24″ x 36″ Oil and Aerosol

5. Where can we see you(r) work?

Over the next 6 months my life is going to be very busy- In March I will have some work going up in Fair Trade Café. The month of April, Ashley Macias and I are curating a show in Frontal Lobe Gallery called “Equal Parts” and in May the Arizona Science Center invited me to participate in Art 360 where they will animate and bring my artwork to life. I will also have a solo show in June at Gallery 9. BOOM! Let the craziness begin! I will be posting events on my website.

6. What would you like to accomplish before you die?

That’s a long list but some things that I would really like to see and do are: I would like to travel and see more of the world, watch my daughter continue to find herself and live a beautiful life, have an international art show, work with Marina Abramovic, have my work published in Juxtapose magazine.

7. What is your mantra?

Mustard Seed!

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“Fight for Love” 24″ x 48″ Oil and Aerosol

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“Never heard the melody, until I needed the song” 16″ x 20″ Oil and Aerosol

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“Departure” 30″ x 40″ Oil and Aerosol

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“Last of her kind” 14″ x 18″ Oil and Aerosol

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“The Pursuit of Flight” 36″ x 24″ Oil and Aerosol