Most Prolific Songwriter: I.Am.Hologram

hologram 00When it comes to output, there are few artists that can compete with I.Am.Hologram. Richard Nihil, the man behind the moniker, put out six – SIX!! – releases in 2016. And while that fact alone might have you scoffing and thinking he’s the Danielle Steele of local music, constantly churning out drivel, you’d be wrong. I.Am.Hologram unleashes raw, emotive energy on every song he pens.

We started the year with Rejecting the Program, a 10-track release which dropped in February, before we moved on to his August LP, Idiot Savant. Then we move onto the Autumn EPs: Greetings, Citizens of Earth and Frequency 432. And, finally, we have the December-double-whammy: Inclined To Shadows (EP) and The Omni Zot Variable (LP).

The songs come at you like a cathartic purge of emotion which carries through into I.Am.Hologram’s performance. When you listen to the recordings, it’s easy to forget this is the work of a one-man-band because of the power contained within each track.

Sink into the extensive songbook of I.Am.Hologram here.


Original review of Rejecting the Program by I.Am.Hologram

Previous Most Prolific Songwriter Award Winners:

2012: Bryant Vazquez