YabYum Seven: Heather Freitas

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All photos courtesy of Heather Freitas

Who are you and what do you do?

Heather Freitas: I am an eco arts artist who’s main goal is to impact people around the world with my artwork and in doing so educating them about the current environmental issues we face today!

How did you get your start?

I have been painting since I was a child and even went to college for art. It was not until two years after graduating that I finally found my signature style and voice. I landed my first real gallery show within 3 months and the ball has continued to roll ever since, but not without very hard work!

Desert Pupfish

What inspires you?

The natural world. Creating something beautiful out of something that was once toxic and impacting people enough to maybe even just stop using plastic bags for the first step! The impact that artwork can have on people is far greater then a speech or article. It speaks every language and is something that each person can identify with. That is powerful and a large part of my inspiration.

What do you like about AZ?

I love the weather here and the location is perfect to me. In the Valley we are driving distance from forests, ocean, and snow! You get the best of all worlds here!

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Where can we see you(r) work?

Currently right now I have artwork on display at the Tempe Public Library until December. October I will have a lot of work up at First Studio in Phoenix and November I will have some work at Public Imagery!

I have started a GoFundMe for my Mobil gallery and you can visit my website as well.

What would you like to accomplish before you die?

My sole mission in life is impacting people through my work. My long term goal is to be able to travel the world with my artwork and help educate areas where waste is a large problem. I would love to create an organization that helps clean up our oceans and forests as well! There is nothing for us if we do not save our planet!

What is your mantra?

It is said that one person cannot change the world but it is with my deepest hopes that my artwork can!


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I’ll Have Another

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Welcome To America


For more on Heather Freitas, visit her website and GoFundMe.