5 Super Cool Music Blogs You Should Check Out (and Maybe Send Music To)

The Vinyl District

Record Store Day is rapidly approaching so make some plans to show your support for your favorite local vinyl dealer. This is The Vinyl District’s modus operandi every day. The D.C.-based blog started back in 2007 and became the official blog of Record Store Day the next year. TVD is committed to the vinyl cause.



Fourculture builds upon four pillars of pop culture: music, literature, art, and fresh perspectives on societal issues. And, they accept direct submissions from artists and musicians.


Purple Sneakers

Purple Sneakers is one of the biggest music blogs Down Under. And, I don’t me south of the Rio Grande, I mean Australia. They’re interested in emerging club music from all over the world. If that’s up your alley, make sure you check them out!



This Kenyan-based music blog can connect you to new music or new fans or maybe even both. With regular music offerings in the form of new singles, music videos, and album reviews.


Indie Music Nation

Okay, so Indie Music Nation isn’t a blog per se, but it’s a fan-directing force for new music on the indie scene with almost 15k followers on Youtube.


Three Imaginary Girls

This homegrown Seattle music blog features music and events from the Northwest. While all you Southwest musicians might not make the regional cut, you should definitely see what new music these Imaginary Girls are dishing about. You just might find a new NW connect for your next tour that really meshes with your sound.
