YabYum Seven: Jose Benavides

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All photos courtesy of Jose Benavides

Who are you and what do you do?

I am Jose A. Benavides and I am an Artist of 2D and 3D work. The 2D is mostly drawing and Mono Prints. The 3D deals with reappropriated objects and my favorite medium is License Plates.

How did you get your start?

I got started in Second Grade when the teacher asked me to draw an image of that week’s Reading lesson which was a rabbit on a cart. In High School a well meaning teacher said, “you are talented but you will starve as an artist so get a real career.” I got an Engineering Degree. Later, I started again as an artist.

Jose Benavides-03What inspires you?

Objects or images that represent multiple meanings– I like to put many layers of meaning into my art. I love to give my art patrons the feeling that they discover something.

What do you like about AZ?

I can fend off the heat better then the cold, but I don’t like the extreme heat. Cost of living is more reasonable here then many places in the country relative to the services available. I like many of it’s people and the wide open spaces.

Jose Benavides-04Where can we see you(r) work?

My work is shown all over the valley, just had a show at the Mesa Art Center and the Mesa Prototype festival. Last summer I had a summer long gig at the Tempe Art Center, part of a At Xico Ink.

My Artwork was invited to be exhibited at Burning Man in Nevada, and I just completed a 3 year Long Public art project in PHX at 19th Ave and the Durango Freeway curve. In June I will show In Seattle, WA. And I’m planning to go to Burning Man again.

What would you like to accomplish before you die?

The is a hard one because there are so many things I want to do and build that it would take a few lifetimes to do it. But if I had to prioritize, it would be to build my dream home which would looks like a giant ’57 Chevy car.

Jose Benavides-05What is your mantra?

A mantra as in a sound that comes out of your mind? Hummmmmm?

I remember many of the dreams that come out of my mind. I dream in color and I hear much original music, some dreams I remember for years. What rings most is to stand for Justice over my personal needs. Many of my art pieces are about injustices.


For more on Jose and his art, visit his website.

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