The Quarantine Questionnaire: The Doyénne


photo by Logan Lowrey-Rasmussen

With live music events in the Phoenix area being largely on hold for the moment, we wanted a fun way to highlight local artists that could still use some community support so we came up with the Quarantine Questionnaire!! See how some of your local favorites answered our (sometimes silly) questions and what things you can do to support them (like buying albums and merch). 

Who are you and are you in a band or do you perform solo? If in a band(s), what is the name of that band?

Hi! I perform solo (with occasional stage support) as The Doyénne.

What instrument(s) do you play?

My big ass mouth. I sing and rap. I do produce and write songs but my single instrument is my voice.

How long have you been making music? And what first drew you to your craft?

I started making music in August of 2006. So it’s almost been fifteen years. I would have never started if a friend didn’t send me a (questionably legal) copy of Fruity Loops for my computer at the time. I didn’t start performing my songs until 2011 but that’s the aspect that keeps me coming back for more.

What was your favorite show of all the shows you’ve ever played?

Halloween at Yucca Tap Room from maybe six years or so ago? First time I performed in booty shorts and the first time it was packed in that space for one of my own performances. The whole crowd was moving and grooving!

What would be your dream lineup/location?

Dream lineup would have to be Janelle Monaé and Francis and the Lights and I’d love to play to a huge crowd like Glastonbury.

What are you listening to during this period of social distancing?

Myself, usually. I’ve been working out a few ideas so a lot of my listening time is spent listening to what I’ve already recorded or what I intend to record. Otherwise, it’s just the usual jumble between all kinds of pop and electronica.

What are you binge watching/reading?

I’m a big animé fan so I’ve been working through a lot of shows that I missed like My Hero Academia. I’m slowing down, though, for the sake of video games and a major one that’s coming out on April 10th. I plan to disappear that weekend and not be found by anybody as I push myself into that one.

What else are you doing with these extra hours at home? Extra creative time?

Planning. There’s a lot that I want to do but with the Stay at Home outlet, it makes it a little difficult to coordinate with others. Ideally, I’d love to get some songs done (I’m slowly forcing myself to program using sheet music and MIDI). I also want to do a live concert series that focuses on my last four albums. That’ll take time, however.

If you could Facetime/Skype anyone in the world for an extended convo right now, who would it be? Facetime or Skype?

Facetime with Mariah Carey. We could throw so much shade and remotely drink Mimosa’s.

Favorite food you can make at home?

…make? Where? At home? What.

Are you currently working on any new musical projects? If so, what?

I’m very slowly easing into new songs. I don’t know if there’s an album or not because I still feel strongly that my last album was a great piece of collaborative work and I’m not looking to do a sequel, but there are some ideas in my head that I want to get out. Aside from that, performing musically looks to be done remotely and online so I really want to stretch and see what I can do on that platform.

How can folx support your musical endeavors? Can people check out or purchase your work online? What other options might be available?

My Bandcamp is more complete in terms of content so I recommend checking that or my website for links to all of my streaming service discographies!
