The Quarantine Questionnaire: Trevor Hedges of Sundressed

photo by Orlando Pelagio

Who are you and are you in a band or do you perform solo? If in a band(s), what is the name of that band?

My name is Trevor Hedges and I am in Sundressed.

What instrument(s) do you play?

I sing and attempt to play guitar sometimes.

How long have you been making music? And what first drew you to your craft?

I’ve been writing and playing for about 12 years, what first drew me to want to write songs was the feeling I got when I first related to a song personally. I fell in love with the idea of communicating through music.

What was your favorite show of all the shows you’ve ever played?

This is really tough! I’m not going to count festivals because that makes it easier. Probably my favorite show we ever played was with The Front Bottoms and Weatherbox at the rhythm room in 2014. Looking back now, its pretty wild the front bottoms played such a small room not that long ago! Fun fact: we also met our now guitar player AJ that night because he also plays in weatherbox!

What would be your dream lineup/location?

Saves the Day
The Starting Line
The Menzingers
And us opening at a basement show somewhere on the East Coast.

What are you listening to during this period of social distancing?

Been really digging Talker, Chapel, Super American and Sincere Engineer!

What are you binge watching/reading?

I’m gonna embarrass myself but The Bachelor: Listen to Your Heart has me on the edge of my seat right now. Haha.

What else are you doing with these extra hours at home? Extra creative time?

Actually we recorded an album last summer we are about to release in the coming months, so I’ve been working nonstop on creative content for the roll-out of that! My roommate is an incredible photographer and we have been able to pull off an in-quarantine music video as well as a ton of photo projects! I feel very lucky to have something so exciting to work on right now.

If you could Facetime/Skype anyone in the world for an extended convo right now, who would it be? Facetime or Skype?

Phoebe Bridgers. Hands down. She is a brilliant songwriter and has possibly the funniest twitter account of any musician I’ve seen.

Favorite food you can make at home?

tofu/corn/green onion fritters

Are you currently working on any new musical projects? If so, what?

I’ve been tossing the idea around for a solo record.

How can folx support your musical endeavors? Can people check out or purchase your work online? What other options might be available?

Follow all the Sundressed socials closely over the next few weeks! Going to be releasing lots of stuff and will need your help to get it out there!

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