Music Video of the Day: “Smartest Person In The World” by The YeahTones

The YeahTones
“Smartest Person In The World”

The YeahTones hit some tender spots with their new single “Smartest Person In The World” and I’m sure anyone with an Internet connection and half a brain feels the same. Afterall, we’re in the Age of Disinformation so everyone with access to YouTube believes they have become adept researchers distrustful of science, scholars, or anyone else with verifiable evidence to support their claims. And these individuals feel emboldened by an orange Machiavellian monster posturing himself as the “Smartest Person In The World”.  The YeahTones strike at this tangled mess with some wry lyrics and rowdy garage rock. The music video by Doug Berns features composite footage of current affairs… just in case you think the message is a bit vague. Check out the music video for “Smartest Person In The World” and then head to Bandcamp to hear some of the other music available from this NYC band!

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