record label


Radio Phoenix Broadcast of The YabYum Hour: Ryan B. Clark of Hookworm Records

On this edition of The YabYum Hour on Radio Phoenix, Ryan B. Clark of Hookworm Records joined us at our in-home studio. While wrapping up the final stages of Hookworm One, we had him on the show to discuss how the process has been. Find out who all the bands are not only on this first compilation but who will be on the second one as well by tuning in. And, since this show ran extra long, anyone who tuned in live will now be able to hear the entire thing!

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Michael Zimmerlich Launches The 80/20 Show

Michael Zimmerlich made a name for himself around town with his music label, 80/20 Records, and he’s branched out over the years to to apply his unique amalgamation of talents and hard won wisdom in new, unexpected arenas. Generally, we find him behind the scenes as a label owner, coach for musicians, and event organizer, but these days you can find him taking to the mic for his new podcast: The 80/20 Show…

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Band Basics: Mike Zimmerlich

For our fourth episode of Band Basics, we asked Mike Zimmerlich of 80/20 Records to join us in the studio. As the co-founder and President of 80/20, we talk shop on running a record label, submitting your music, contacting the press, plus a whole lot more. Hosted by Mark Anderson, catch this hour long conversation with Mike and (hopefully) learn a thing or two as they discuss a myriad of topics about being in the music business. Check out our interview with Mike below as well as his Spotify playlist that not only features the two songs we preview in this episode, but a bunch of bands both local and abroad…

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Episode 04: Mike Zimmerlich

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Band Basics
Episode 04: Mike Zimmerlich

For our fourth episode of Band Basics, we asked Mike Zimmerlich of 80/20 Records to join us in the studio. As the co-founder and President of 80/20, we talk shop on running a record label, submitting your music, contacting the press, plus a whole lot more. Hosted by Mark Anderson, catch this hour long conversation with Mike and (hopefully) learn a thing or two as they discuss a myriad of topics about being in the music business…

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