5 Rad Music Blogs You Should Check Out (and Maybe Submit To)

5 rad music blogs 500We’re always looking for new places to find the latest in new music so here are 5 rad music blogs you should definitely check out and perhaps even submit to…

Girl Underground Music

A group of rad, music-loving lady tigers runs this snappy music blog that regularly offers up new album reviews and interviews on up-and-coming artists. Annnd they do accept direct submissions by email.

Nah Right

Nah Right has been up and running for over a decade now with a stripped down style to keep the focus on what really matters: the music. New hip hop and rap artists are featured daily – mixtapes included.

Acid Stag

Maybe you’re looking to expand your band’s brand to new continents? Then check out Acid Stag from Australia. New singles, LP reviews, and Friday Mixtapes will have fresh tunes coming your way every single day.

The Sky Report

All you bedroom dance-pop allstars , chillwave queens, and indie-tronica artists, this Brooklyn-based blog is for you. The Sky Report features reviews of new releases and hosts a regular music program through Newtown Radio.

Cereal + Sounds

I love both cereal and music so, as far as I’m concerned, Cereal + Sounds really has a good thing going. They definitely have a cool-kid indie vibe. This Yonkers-based music blog also runs a label AND they accept direct submissions. Definitely check out this up-and-coming blog.