Who are you and what do you do?
I’m Rebecca Rudnyk, a writer, theater critic, and lifelong lover of the performing arts.
How did you get your start?
I had a profound moment when I was a very little girl, watching Audrey Hepburn descend the stairs to the Embassy Ball in My Fair Lady. At the time, I was a child and wanted to be an actress just like her. As I went on to study and participate in the arts, especially as an undergrad at ASU, I came to love and appreciate the holistic process of developing a work, from concept to closing night.
What inspires you?
My family inspires me to be my best self. Travel inspires me to think globally and appreciate other cultures. And being a part of an audience, experiencing art communally, inspires me to feel compassion and a greater appreciation for the human experience.
What do you like about AZ?
I did the majority of my growing up here, so most of my fondest memories are set to an Arizona backdrop. From an artistic perspective, I am proud of the ‘arts explosion’ over the last couple decades that has fostered the success of many of our venues and local theaters.
Where can we see you(r) work?
My articles are posted on YabYum’s awesome website, right here!
What would you like to accomplish before you die?
I hope to develop a musical that has a run on or off-Broadway, and to manage a successful theatre company either locally or in New York City.
What is your mantra?
Happiness is a choice. I know it’s cliche, but it was my grandfather’s, and I am now so grateful for how strongly he instilled it upon me when I was young.