3 Lady Bands that Will Kick Your Ass

In honor of International Women’s Day, we wanted to take a moment to acknowledge some of the Phoenix’s feisty females that definitely kick some ass (musically speaking). None of this, tough-for-a-girl shit here. These chick bands are as fierce as they come.

The Venemous Pinks

Three In The Pink

The Valentine’s Day release of the Venemous Pinks’ record Three in the Pink definitely didn’t hold to the flowers & puppy dogs traditions implied by the holiday. Thank Jesus for that. This power trio of punkrock grrrl growlers pay homage to earlier punk institutions. The track “Leather” (my second favorite song) has a Ramones-meets-Joan Jett sound. While “Mantis” – my favorite track – hearkens back to more of a Guttermouth style. Catch the band live next Wednesday at Pub Rock Live in Scottsdale opening for the Swingin’ Utters. Pre-sale tickets here.

Sister Lip EP
From the very first lines of Sister Lip’s self-titled debut EP, I was sold on the bluesy, jazzy groove-pop being thrown down. Released last month, I’ve been solidly rocking the album for more than a couple of weeks now and the Sister Lip EP continues to find regular rotation at YabYum HQ. No surprise given the group’s innovative sound:  retrocool, soulful swagger, and chock full of  modern sass. “Cat in a Tree” gets downright slithery with its slightly slow-moving funk, but my heart belongs to “Sue”, the album’s feisty opening track. Listen to the Sister Lip Ep. Do it now.

The Pubes

Pretty Fresh

If you know The Pubes and you don’t love The Pubes, you’re probably an asshole. Hard-rocking and hilarious, The Pubes make queercore for the masses and are responsible for such contemporary classics as “8000 Miles for Booty” and, of course, “Cameltoe”. I love any band that can rock the panties off a bar crowd and drink the boy bands under the table. If you need proof, check out the drinking contest between Baretta Lynn of The Pubes versus Ricky of Prague in Bisbee. And, yes, I will forever refer back to that video. The Pubes always deliver an amazing live performance so check out their homepage for upcoming shows (and then go to one).
