

The Tastemaker’s Ten: Josh Montag of Scattered Melodies

So, because there are thousands of songs that I love and would want to talk about, I decided to limit myself to songs that have come out this year. 2020 has been brutal for all of us, but perhaps these songs can act as a little silver lining, they very much do for me. In no particular order as far as favorites go, here are my Top 10 songs I feel people should know…

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Music Video of the Day: “I Don’t Wanna Dance” by Top Bunk

Top Bunk is the Cali music crew that dares to ask, “Would you rather go adulting or throw dope parties and do hoodrat stuff with your friends?” For these fellas, the answer is clear. They’ve elected Petro A.P. as not only their vocalist but their Peter Pan. This ragtag team of music makers craft some funky dance pop that breaks from club norms for something a little weirder, but no less contagious. Check out “I Don’t Wanna Dance” by Top Bunk. And they have a fun, funky video to go with it. Naturally…

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