Ariel Monet and Kalen Lander, the duo known as Snailmate, came down to Radio Phoenix for a 420 special. We discuss the dangers of Kool-Aid drinking...
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Radio Phoenix Podcast: Scorpion vs. Tarantula
Phoenix rockers Scorpion vs. Tarantula came down to Phoenix Center for the Arts for another installment of Rise on Radio Phoenix. They assembled a superb playlist...
Continue reading...Radio Phoenix Podcast: I Am Hologram
The talented musician who preforms under the moniker I Am Hologram came down to join us in the Radio Phoenix studio for our bi-monthly installment of...
Continue reading...Radio Phoenix Podcast: Steff Koeppen
Steff Koeppen drove up from Tucson to join us live on the air at Radio Phoenix and chat about both her band and her solo work....
Continue reading...Radio Phoenix Podcast: The Blood Feud Family Singers
Daryl Scherrer and Marc Oxborrow of The Blood Feud Family Singers joined us live on the air for another installment of Rise! on Radio Phoenix. Good...
Continue reading...Radio Phoenix Podcast: Day Before Plastics
The three-piece rock outfit known as Day Before Plastics joined us live on the air down at Radio Phoenix for our bi-monthly installment of Rise! We...
Continue reading...Radio Phoenix Podcast: Ruca
Haley Grigaitis joined us live on the air at Radio Phoenix for a lively hour of music and conversation. The complete playlist can be found below. Listen...
Continue reading...Radio Phoenix Podcast: Captain Squeegee
Danny Torgersen came down to Phoenix Center for the Arts for a new episode of Rise! He brought along a lot of swell tunes to share...
Continue reading...Radio Phoenix Podcast: YASKY
Seventy-five percent of YASKY, formerly known as Why Ask Why?, joined us live on the air at Radio Phoenix for another installment of Rise! The complete playlist...
Continue reading...Radio Phoenix Podcast: Sweetbleeders
Robin Vining of Sweetbleeders came down to Phoenix Center for the Arts to join us live on the air at Radio Phoenix. We got off to...
Continue reading...Radio Phoenix Podcast: Editors Edition
In this installment of Rise, show hosts and YabYum editors Mark Anderson & Lenore LaNova got to pick the tracks. The complete playlist can be found...
Continue reading...Radio Phoenix Podcast with Good Friends Great Enemies
Good Friends Great Enemies came down to Radio Phoenix studios to share some songs from their new album, Cautiously Poptimistic, and play some tracks from their friends....
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